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What is your desired duration for each weight lifting session at the gym?
Do you have any muscle groups that you would like to prioritize?
Do you have any current or past injuries that limit your ability to train? Are there any exercises or machines you wish to avoid? Do any particular exercises cause you discomfort or pain?
Do you currently have any medical conditions or are you taking any prescription or over-the-counter medication?
Have you tried to lose or gain weight in the past? If so, how did those attempts go?
Have you tracked calories or macros before? When? What was your average daily calories? Did you hit your goals? (If not, leave empty)
Are you currently following a specific diet or eating style? (e.g., Keto, Paleo, Vegan, etc.)
How is your sleep? How many hours per night do you typically get? Do you track your sleep with a wearable device?
Have you ever worked with a fitness coach before? If yes, who was your coach?
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